
ClickBD policies

Please note that any advert posted on ClickBD that do not respect the Terms and Conditions of the website will be removed without notice.

Premium Ads are subjected to the same regulations and will not be reimbursed if they are removed because of a breach in site regulations.

You're not allowed to post multiple Ads whose content is identical or similar. You may only post a maximum of one Ad for the same item or service per local area.

Proposal of several goods or services in the same advert will become void and can result in cancellation. You may not Post an Ad that is too short or ambiguous. This could result in being classified as spam. The email option at the classified Ads section may only be used for queries related to the product. Spamming or sending out identical messages can result in your account getting blocked.

Once a rule is violated. Your account automatically gets blocked for 3 months.